Strategic Medical Writing: Protocols, Case Studies, And Beyond

This course details the art of medical writing with a comprehensive curriculum covering introduction to medical writing, basic skills enhancement, medical communication strategies, protocol development for clinical trials, case report writing techniques, and skill enhancement in reference management and literature search using tools like PubMed and EndNote

Module 1 : Basics of Medical Writing

Introduction to Medical Writing

  • Professional Medical Writer
  • Types of Medical Writing
  • Medical Writing Industry
  • Varied Audience
  • Medical Writing Spectrum
Basic Skills for Medical Writing
  • Ethics in Medical Writing
  • Improving Writing Skills

Module 2 : Medical Communication

General Introduction and Medico-Marketing Documents
  • General Introduction and Medico-Marketing Documents
  • Links to Code of Conducts from different countries 
Project Lifecycle Including Writing and QC with Final Delivery of Projects
Making an Effective Presentation
Literature Search and Referencing
  • Literature Search and Referencing
  • Medical Writers: Requirements
  • Quality Check Specialist
  • Medical Writer: Content Lab
  • Project Management
  • Steps to Conduct a Literature Search
  • References for Scientific Work

– Importance to Cite a Source

– Common Terminologies: Citations, References and Bibliography

– Reference Binder

Literature Search and Referencing (End Note Software)
  • Different Types of Publication Documents
  • Using the PubMed Database for Literature Search
  • Endnote

Module 3 : Clinical Trial Protocol (From Templates to Trending Topics Conformation)

Introduction to Protocol Development
  • Introduction
  • Types of Protocol Development During Drug Development
  • Navigating Changing Guidance and Regulations
  • eProtocol Efficiencies and Protocol Libraries
Non-Interventional Studies and Protocol Development
  • Non-Interventional Study (NIS)
  • Real World Evidence
  • Guidance of NIS
  • Writing Protocol for NIS
  • Protocol Template for NIS
  • Summary
  • The EU-CTR (European Clinical Trial Regulation) Directive

Module 4 : Case Report Writing

  • Hierarchy of Study Designs
  • Importance of Case Reports
  • Pierson’s Conceptual Scheme
  • CARE Checklist for Case Report Example
  • Roadmap of a Case Report
  • Example of a Case Report

Module 5 : Skill Enhancement Program in Medical Writing

Effective Reference Management Using a Software
  • Managing Reference Management Using Software
  • What Reference Management tool does?
Literature Search PubMed
  • Different Types of Literature Search Platforms
  • Effective PubMed Search

Duration : 4hrs / week ( 2 days/week )

Schedule : Session of 2 hours twice a week

Batches Starting From 

August 2024
Enroll Now For Early Bird Offers

Duration : 4hrs / week ( 2 days/week )

Schedule : Session of 2 hours twice a week

Perks Of Offline Course

Role Play

Get to work on live projects

Face-to-face guidance by PM (Project Manager)

Clinical on-site exposure